Alternative API developer documentation

We are in PerfectPanel

It is enough to enter in the search, and add us to the list of Providers.

Other integrations

GlobalSMM has an alternative API for comfortable integration with few CMS.

If you have questions about the API, please contact support .
Make your appeal in English, or Russian.

Main info

Response format JSON/XML
API Key View in your settings

Service list

Parameters Description
key Your API key
action services

Example response:

        "service": 136,
        "name": "Сохранения публикации [50к] (закладки, избранное).",
        "type": "Default",
        "category": "Статистика",
        "rate": 4,
        "min": 100,
        "max": 50000
        "service": 217,
        "name": "Охват публикаций [20k]",
        "type": "Default",
        "category": "Статистика",
        "rate": 7,
        "min": 250,
        "max": 20000

Add order

Parameters Description
key Your API key
action add
service Service ID
link Link of order object
quantity Needed quantity

Example response:

    "order": 414674

Order status

Available statuses:

Note: It often occurs when client enter an incorrect link or when the object of work is hidden by privacy. Usually, the amount is refunded in full, but it is important to check whether the remains are equivalent to the order quantity before returning the full amount - perhaps some part of the order was completed.
Note: The amount for the unfulfilled part of the order is returned to the balance
Note: The order has been removed from the system and is no longer processed. Rare, technical status.

Parameters Description
key Your API key
action status
order Order ID

Example response:

    "charge": 16,
    "start_count": null,
    "status": "In progress",
    "remains": null,
    "currency": "RUB"

Multiple orders status

Parameters Description
key Your API key
action status
orders Order IDs separated by comma

Example response:

    "414674": {
        "charge": 16,
        "start_count": null,
        "status": "In progress",
        "remains": null,
        "currency": "RUB"
    "414654": {
        "error": "Order 414654 not found"

User balance

Parameters Description
key Your API key
action balance

Example response:

    "balance": 32,
    "currency": "RUB"

Order Refill

Parameters Description
key Your API key
action refill
id Service ID
Request method GET
URL Example

Example response success:

  "message": "Request for refill promotion completed"

Example response error:

  "error": "Order not found",
  "data": {
      "message": "Order not found"

Order Cancel

Parameters Description
key Your API key
action cancel
id Service ID
Request method GET
URL Example

Example response success:

  "message": "Cancellation request completed"

Example response error:

  "error": "Order not found",
  "data": {
      "message": "Order not found"